Traveloka PR

02 Apr 2019 - 2 min read

Introducing Discovery Platform, Traveloka Invites Users to Enrich Their Life through Experience

Jakarta, 2 April 2019 - Living daily routines and high intensity of work often makes the majority of people exhausted of everyday life and even can lead to stress on some people. The burden of mental and work carried by someone is, of course, different and they have their own ways to eliminate fatigue and improve the quality of life in different ways too. Most people usually take their annual leave provided by the office and use it for holiday and traveling.

Yet vacationing is not the only way to improve people’s quality of life. In fact, we can also go through interesting places and we can also try various exciting activities around us. The problem is, this might does not cross in many people's minds due to lack of inspiration even though there is a desire to try new experiences. Or maybe when you are inspired, but still confused to find more information about any particular activities. Given that, holidays are usually end up to do regular things.

"Traveloka is aware that there are still many gaps in understanding in maximizing internet usage or applications in Indonesia. Through a new identity, Traveloka now comes as a discovery platform, where we have a mission to present more than just a ticket booking platform. Traveloka would like to introduce on how technology can help and facilitate daily activities, one of which is to meet travel and lifestyle needs. Through our platform, we hope that there will be more and more Indonesian people who are able to leverage technology and internet to help their daily lives, for instance using Traveloka application”, Sufintri Rahayu, PR Director of Traveloka.

Furthermore, Sufintri Rahayu added, "Along with the development of our products & services that include travel & lifestyle, we also complete our application as a discovery platform. Such as, Traveloka also provides various inspirational choices such as Go Beyond, Ideas for Your Weekend, Events This Month, Where to Eat? to City Guides on the mobile app. "

Below are several inspiration sections that are available in Traveloka app:

Go Beyond - users will be presented with various information about the variety of charms of destinations in Indonesia, which are equipped with inspirational articles, recommendations on activities that can be done, culinary, and even transportation & accommodation guide, which can be ordered directly through the Traveloka application.
Ideas for Your Weekend - this section contains various exciting and fun activities ideas that can be done in selected cities over the weekend. These activities include attraction tickets, events, entertainment, sports venues, as well as spas & beauty.
Events This Month - by visiting this section, users will be directed to the Traveloka Blog page where they can further see various events calendar that will take place in that one month.
Where to Eat? - this section will provide recommendations for places to eat, restaurants, whose location will adjust to the user's geotagging. Through this section, users can easily get culinary inspiration while enjoying special offers.
City Guide - through this section users can get more information about popular places in a destination, complete with culinary recommendations, transportation, activity & leisure needs, even maps of popular places in a destination.

In this abundance of information era, technology has become a very important instrument. However, the choice to sort out important information is entirely in the hands of users, including application service that facilitates holidays. With the choice of various parts of the inspiration, it is hoped that it can provide more inspiration and recommendations on important matters that must be known about the places that will be addressed by tourists.

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